What is curing?
Maintaining a suitable moisture content and temperature in concrete at early ages so that it will progress properties the mixture was created to accomplish is otherwise known as curing. Generally, curing takes place once the concrete has been placed and finished so that the concrete will develop to the desired strength and longevity. Temperature, one factor in proper curing that is vital due to the rate of hydration, strength development is quick in high-temperature condition. However, during a curing process, the temperature of curing should be maintained at 50°F (10°C) to ensure a stable rate of strength development. Most of the cracking caused in curing are due to unstable temperature uniformity, if the temperature is maintained throughout the concrete session while it gains strength, concretes will attain maximum strength and longevity is assured.
Blankets On Asphalt
Concrete curing blankets are safe to use on asphalt, blankets use an internal thermostat and will cycle to regulate temperature at ~ 100 °F ± 10 °F. Temperature and wind will draw some of the heat away although, curing blanket has thermal contact with the asphalt it is transferring heat energy towards, blankets performs effectively well in freezing temperatures.

Electric Concrete Curing Blanket
Before now, conventional methods like using expensive warmers and heaters were used in concrete curing and this has led to an increased amount of cracking in concrete, Electric curing blankets have changed the traditional way of transferring heat to concrete. This new technology has created uniform heat across the entire blanket, removing hot and cold spots respective to weather condition, Electric curing blankets provide maintenance heating solution that eliminates the tussle of dealing with cold weather. Once an effective heating remedy is applied during the curing process, concrete will cure quicker and effective, a successful concrete heating solution minimizes downtime, saves time, and increases profits.
ALCO concrete curing blankets provide a remarkable and efficient method of curing concrete in cold weather, protect your business from damage and save money in cold weather condition without the side effects that amount from using accelerators. ALCO concrete blanket speeds up the curing process by 2.8 times and helps to provide hydration in the concrete, these electric heating blankets come in different lengths and sizes. The number of jobs will not affect the use of powerblankets, in curing the blanket heats to a preset 100°F (38°C, ± 10 °F/3 °C). In cold weather, powerblanket provides the concrete strength of 3,925 in 72hrs, maintains moisture throughout the hydrating process, thaws ground and frost from a job site, before pouring. The electric concrete blanket maintains ACI compliance for cold weather concreting, prevent a freeze cycle using the electric blanket, they are simply installed and removed, portable to move around from job site to another regardless of the concrete project is big or small. The powerblanket Electric Concrete Curing Blanket is ETL certified to UL/CSA/CE safety standards