
Shipment Time
- Your tarps will ship in 2 working days from order
- Free Shipping
- 5 year warranty on manufacturing defects for tarps
- Decrease manpower cost
- 18 oz super duty reinforce material
- Stock color: Black
- Stock size: 20’x20’ and 25’x25’
- Tarp Weight: 65 lbs
- Webbing Color: Yellow
- Manufactured with 4 Heavy-Duty lifting slings sewn in each corner for ease of movement
- Stainless Steel, rust-proof grommets installed 24” on center around the perimeter of the tarp
- Webbing-reinforced perimeter
- Heat-sealed seam construction
- Constructed with heavy-duty, UV-resistant thread with “lockstitch sewing” around the perimeter
- Jobsite snow removal
- Superior fabrication and quality
- Easy to use & efficient
- Helps to keep your jobsite on schedule & on budget by saving you labor & lost man hours
- For use with freshly fallen snow only
- Never use a damaged, torn or ripped tarp
- Not designed to move people, equipment, tools, construction paraphernalia, supplies or other jobsite items
- Webbing must always face down when being used
- Never stand under tarp that is in use and never maneuver/move tarp over jobsite personnel or buildings that may contain jobsite personnel
Technical Details
- Tarp lifting maximum capacity: 4,000 lbs
- Initial lift: 2,000 lbs
- Additional lifts: 500 lb increments
- Lift Cycle test: 200 lifts at 4,000 lbs